Fair Trade Wales Youth Art Competition
Monday 20th May – Monday 23rd September 2024Fairtrade is celebrating 30 years and we are hosting an art competition that ties in with Fairtrade Fortnight 2024. This is a Wales wide competition, will you help us celebrate the movement?
How to take part:
Art we want: One side of A4 painting, drawing digital/physical, poem or video (song/poem/performance). Art to be original and creative.
Theme: Fairtrade and Deforestation Free – How does Fairtrade work to make an impact against deforestation?
Background: The world’s tropical forests are being destroyed and play a huge part in the defence against climate change. Fairtrade works with the producers and farmers of products such as coffee and cacao to help make forests more resilient and sustainable.
Who can take part?
Open to children aged 4-16 across Wales.
Categories: Ages 4-6, 7-10, 11-16 – one winner and two runners up in each category.
When does it open and close?
Submissions open now – Deadline for submissions September 23rd at 7pm.
Send your submissions digitally (a hi-res photo or scan) to: emina@fairtradewales.org.uk
Terms and Conditions: View here.
Three judges from across Wales will decide the winners. Prizes will be given to winners and there will be a presentation in October. Selected work will be displayed digitally on the Fair Trade Wales website.
Prizes: One winner from each category will receive a Faitrade hamper worth £100, two runners up and winner will receive a certificate and Fairtrade chocolate. There will be a winners presentation in October.
See full terms and conditions for all the details.